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Book Reference:Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., & Murray, E. L. (2021). Entrepreneurship: The practice and mindset (2nd ed). SAGE. https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781544354644

Case Study Matthew Vega-Sanz, Cofounder, Lula
For this assignment, read the case study on pages 377 and 378 of the eTextbook. Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions with thorough explanations and a well-supported rationale.

What legal structure would you recommend for Lula? What are the benefits of this legal structure?
Describe employee legal classifications, and determine which best fits these employees.
Analyze the role of an entrepreneurial mindset in opportunity recognition related to this case.
Differentiate innovative business strategies that are or could be associated with this case.
Appraise the use of design thinking toward innovative ideation related to this case.
Determine the type of entrepreneurship associated with this case, and compare it to social entrepreneurship. Then, apply creative thinking skills to restructure this venture into a social entrepreneurial venture. From a social entrepreneurship perspective, how would the business model change, and what business model would you use for this new venture? What legal structure would you recommend for this social entrepreneurial venture?

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