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Company Information (Tab 1), and Historical Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flows (Tabs 2-4)
• Choose one of the 3 companies listed in your Instructor’s Module 1: Week 1 Excel Project Announcement.
• Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database and access your chosen company’s most recent Form 10-K (annual report). (For help with this process, see the Module 1: Week 1 presentation, “Downloading Financial Statements from the SEC EDGAR Database.”)
• Create an Excel workbook, including data for your chosen company as follows:
o The 1st tab (worksheet) in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Company Information. The following information must be included:
 Company Name and ticker symbol
 Industry
 Products or services offered
 Major competitors
 An example of this tab is provided in Exhibit A.
o The 2nd tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Historical Income Statements.
 Include the latest three years based on SEC filings.
 Ensure that the worksheet includes a header with:
• Company Name
• Financial Statement Name (Income Statements)
• Financial Statement Dates
• Denomination level ($s in millions or thousands, etc.)
o The 3rd tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Historical Balance Sheets.
 Include the latest three years based on SEC (10-K) filings. (Note: Some 10-Ks only provided 2 years of balance sheet data. You may need to download the second most recent 10-K for your company in order to obtain 3 years of balance sheet data.)
 Ensure that the worksheet includes a header with:
• Company Name
• Financial Statement Name
• Financial Statement Dates
• Denomination level ($s in millions or thousands, etc.)
 A partial balance sheet example is provided in Exhibit B.
o The 4th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Historical Statement of Cash Flows.
 Include the latest three years based on SEC (10-K) filings.
 Make sure that the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flows Statement tie in as follows:
• Net Income from Income Statement agrees with Net Income on the Statement of Cash Flows.
• Ending Cash Balance from Statement of Cash Flows agrees with Cash in the Balance Sheet.
 Ensure that the worksheet includes a header with:
• Company Name
• Financial Statement Name
• Financial Statement Dates
• Denomination level ($s in millions or thousands, etc.)
o Other instructions:
 The Excel workbook should be professionally formatted. Professional formatting includes:
• All numbers are formatted similarly. The use of decimals, commas for thousands, and other formatting is consistent.
• Dollar signs are included in the first and last numbers of each column.
• Subtotals and totals are preceded by a single underline. Totals are followed by a double underline.
• All extraneous information is removed from the spreadsheet. Sometimes, files downloaded from the SEC website contains extra characters or other things that need to be deleted.
• Line descriptions are indented/bolded in a manner that makes the spreadsheet easy to read.
 All totals and subtotals should be calculated using formulas. For an example of which cells may need formulas, please see Exhibit B.

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