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This will be a lab activity for my advanced Exercise Physiology class. Please refer to the attached document for the specific details.
For this particular assignment, using Kenney W. L., Wilmore, J., Costill, D. Physiology of Sport and Exercise (7th ed.). Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2019,
complete 2 strength assessments. Your submission for this assignment should include the results from these assessments in a clear way (tables are great)
and answers to the lab questions. Answers must be in complete sentences and be supported by academic sources. At least two peer-reviewed article
sources are required for this assignment. Length: 2-5 pages of content (cover, title, and reference page not counted towards page length), APA style & format
required throughout.
Strength Test Results:
1-RM Bench Press; This test measures low-speed strength (maximum muscular strength) and is one of the most commonly performed “foundational”
exercises. The bench press recruits chest, triceps, and the anterior deltoids to determine the person’s pushing strength
Push-ups: Measure local muscular endurance utilizing the chest, deltoids, triceps, abdominals, and serratus anterior
Subject 1: 24-year-old male
190 lbs
1 rep max bench press: This test determines maximum muscular strength (low speed strength). In his heaviest attempt, he pressed 225 lbs. This puts him in
the 20th percentile for his age.
Subject 2: 21-year old female
130 lbs
Push ups: 17 (good among 20-29 age group females)
I have attached links to relevant videos explaining these topics and other recommended resources to elaborate on the assignment expectations.

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