Welcome to Padgett-Beale and your first week as a management intern.
Before you begin working on this discussion paper, please make sure that you have read the Week 1 readings!
The Chief of Staff will be hosting a working lunch this week for your group of interns. In addition to the usual introductions and “getting to know you” discussions, you’ve been advised that there will be a discussion of the following article.
Each intern has been asked to write and bring a discussion paper containing their written responses to the following questions:
- Do you agree or disagree with the author’s assertions regarding seasonal employees and cybersecurity risks in the work place? Why?
- What steps can (should) managers take to reduce security risks associated with hiring seasonal or temporary employees? (Consider whether or not the Secure Computer User training course would be appropriate for these employees.)
- How can managers show leadership in the area of cybersecurity defenses and best practices?
As you write your response, remember to provide examples from the article and other readings for this week. Explain why you agree or disagree and provide examples, if appropriate. Your examples should be relevant to the hospitality industry and hotel operations. Consider the ways in which these types of companies are likely to use seasonal employees and the types of digital assets / information to which these temporary employees may have access.
Include information from the Week 1 readings to support your responses / arguments. Remember to cite your sources using a consistent and professional style (APA recommended but not required).
Post your discussion paper as a response to this thread. After you have posted your response, read and critique at least 2 of the discussion papers written by your peers in this class. The goal of your critiques should be to help your peers improve their analyses of the issues and the quality of their papers. You could suggest a different perspective or help your peer to write a more effective argument to support his or her position on the issues. Grammar or writing mechanics comments are not necessary — your instructor will address those.