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Stanza, rhyme scheme, sonnet, villanelle, sestina, epigram, limerick, haiku, elegy, ode, parody, picture poem

Study Terms: stanza, rhyme scheme, sonnet, villanelle, sestina, epigram, limerick, haiku, elegy, ode, parody, picture poem
Read Chapter 9 poems by: Herrick (194), Shakespeare (198), Alexie (201), Thomas (204), Mayers (207), Butler (210), Kizer (211), Sanchez (211), Jonson (212), Shelley (214), Farley (216), McFee (218)

  1. Read Chapter 9 and study each of the assigned forms: sonnet, villanelle, sestina, epigram, limerick, haiku, elegy, ode, parody, and picture poem. Take note of the patterns required for each and examine the examples given in the text.
  2. Choose two (2) forms that most appeal to you and craft an original poem that follows the chosen form’s rules for construction. Think about how other literary devices can be brought into the poems as well. Be sure to give the poem a title.
  3. For each poem, write a paragraph that:
    Indicates clearly the form chosen
    Summarizes in your own words the form’s pattern and rules, with some effort to explain how they have been applied
    Describes the overall theme you were striving to express

Keeping the above in mind – Please respond to all the following posts- Each Response should be 250 to 275 words

Post By YS:

A total of four,
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall,
Changes through the year.
My first poem is in a poetic form called haiku which has originated in Japan. A haiku consists of three lines that follows a syllabus count of five in the first line, seven in the second line, and then five again in the third line. There should be a total of seventeen syllables in all. My topic is about the seasons, which is something that happens in our climate throughout the year. The overall theme that I am trying to get across is nature. In nature there are many things that naturally occur including weather changes. These weather changes are mostly known as seasons, which led me to the topic of this poem.
Our Nation
Government gives order and organization,
But the power can destroy the great nation.
My second poem is in a poetic form called epigram which was adapted from the Greeks. An epigram consists of no particular pattern or form; however, I wrote my poem in a couplet, which is a set of two lines together. This poetic form usually includes irony and often leaves an impression on the reader. The overall theme that I am trying to get across is politics. To run a nation, there must be higher authorities who each deal with a particular situation which then creates organization. However, there are also cons to having government authorities such as causing destruction. This epigram should leave the reader thinking about all aspects of the government, the benefits and non-benefits.

Post by AM

Heart Aches of Loved Ones
Ones that fall in love hard
Leaves a mark that is permanently scarred
The trouble that is provoked
The friendships that broke
The love is so strong between us, the warning signs disregard.
Under this house we built
Pictures, miniaturize plants, a mattress, and hope…
The sun-kissed patio glimmered at sunrise.

The two forms that were chosen in my poem was limerick and haiku. Two very different forms of poetry that were brought together by my attempt of a poem. I attempted to follow the aabba rhyme scheme throughout the first part of the poem which describes the first steps of falling in love quick. In the second half, haiku was used to describe the setting of the two characters at the pending future that will have together. The theme I am trying to convey his the feeling of taking a leap of faith in your partner, and all the doubts that are associated with that decision.

Post by JK

Sandy Beaches
Waves crashing ashore
The sand in between my toes
Seagulls all around
This poem that I wrote is a Haiku. This poem has a total of 17 syllables with five in the first line, seven in the second lines, and five in the third line. This is an unrhymed poem and a lot of the time talk about the images of nature. The theme of the poem that I wrote would be the beautiful sites available at the beach and not to take it for granted. With living on Cape Cod my whole life, I got used to seeing the beach every day, but I know now how lucky I was and how I should never take anything for granted. I also used a lot of imagery in this short poem to really let the reader have an image in their head about what everything looks like at the beach.

Nursing school
Hours of studying each night
The patient matters the most
Always trying to figure out what is right

Cramming and cramming until there’s no light
Helping the patient to be diagnosed
Hours of studying each night

Telling the patient everything is alright
Learning from people all around the coast
Always trying to figure out what is right

Always so tired but trying not to fight
Everyone around always trying to boast
Hours of studying each night

Constantly learning about electrolytes
Waking up and looking like a ghost
Always trying to figure out what is right

Clinicals arrive ready to bite
Doing everything to not walk into a post
Hours of studying each night
Always trying to figure out what is right

This poem is a Villanelle. This poem has 19 lines with six stanzas. The first five stanzas have three lines and the last stanza has four lines. The first and third lines of the first five stanzas have the same rhyme and they continue to the last two lines of the last stanza. Lines 1, 6, 12, and 18 are the same and then lines 3, 9, 15, and 19 are the same. This was a little difficult to follow at first, but I tried my best to follow this pattern. The overall theme I was trying to express in this poem was the struggles of nursing school. All the hours studying, all the material to remember, and just trying to be prepared is what I find the most difficult. This poem showcases the struggle that nursing students go through every day, but in the end we all know it’s worth it to help our patients.

Post by GS
Ode to the Mother

My great mother, you inspire me to write.
I love the way you comfort, cook and talk,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the bold tiger.

Let me compare you to an inventor?
You are amazing, musing and super.
Cool wind nips the falcons of September,
And Fall has the feisty green grasshopper.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your bright white smile, warmth and focus.
Thinking of you and your jokes fills my days.
My love for you is the sacred lotus.

Now I must leave to the tune of college,
Your teachings the roots of my own knowledge.

 This first work is called an ode. This was my first ever attempt to write one and the topics usually deal with something serious and in a formal tone. The first two stanzas follow the same pattern, but the third stanza has a different pattern than the previous two. Odes can have the same pattern throughout or be different in each stanza. The overall theme I am trying to express is gratefulness for my mother being a role model in my life. This is enhanced using some unique characteristics and various relations to beautiful things in life such as falcons, lotus flowers, tigers, humor, and warm weather. 

The Grind
The blood, sweat, and tears
None see the hours in the gym
Sitting on the couch

        This type of work is called a Haiku. It is a brief form that was learned from the Japanese. There are usually 17 syllables into three unrhymed lines of 5,7, and 5 syllables. My haiku relates the effort athletes put into their work, just so we can watch them play. We see them in games or on tv for a couple hours and take their play for granted. We do not pay attention to the enduring hours spent in the gym and the injuries and mental toll that they overcome each week. Most of the time critics sit on the couch and take note of good plays versus bad ones, not the fact that they are leaving everything out on the court/field.
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