Content: Human Rights, Social Justice and Oppression: Issues of violations to human
rights, elements of social justice and oppression were addressed.
Content: Advocacy Plan: The Advocacy plan must be summarized thoroughly in the main
body of the paper and the full outline plan (see below) attached in appendix.
In the body of the paper/narrative section:
These issues must be addressed: What is being suggested to make a change in a
practice/program and/or policy to address this social issue/program in the chosen country—
make sure to detail specifics; how will it affect the target population; government
involvement?; how will it be accomplished? (you cannot speak for another organization
sharing that they will give funding, support, etc. unless there has been previously shown
support); address human rights.
In the appendix:
I. Define Your Goals-What do you want to happen/to accomplish? What needs to change?
(Remember a practice/program and/or a policy must be changed) Other items it can affect:
Legislation, policy, regulation, programs, funding, etc. II. Who can help make it happen?
Stakeholders? Who will it affect? Who is the audience? (Think multilayered-policy makers,
media, public, etc. III. Who needs to hear it? How will it be presented-identify delivery
methods? (Tactics change by target audience; Tactics to reach general public; Tactics to reach
government). IV. Resources do you have/what do you need to make it happen? Identify the
resources and gaps; SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis; look at
resources of alliances, relationships, information, political intelligence, etc. V. How to
specifically accomplish it? Action; Target; Timelines; Partners; Resources. VI. Evaluationhow can you tell if it is working? Propose evaluation tactics.
APA Format and Appropriate References: The paper is in APA format—including
reference page, internal referencing, etc. 8 to 10 page paper with at least 4 resources from
Peer Reviewed Journal articles published from 2012 and above.