The goal of this assignment is to analyze applicable HR principles, which incorporate healthcare laws while considering ongoing personnel needs of a healthcare organization. Research the literature and write a document that speaks to the following elements to create leadership accountability for a chosen healthcare setting. Include the following components:
Analyze laws that are important for effective healthcare leadership (such as ACA, HIPAA, EMTALA) and propose how you would monitor for and assure compliance with these laws.
Consider the leadership plan to implement the new strategy as outlined in assignments u02a1 and u04a1. Discuss potential gaps (for example, compliance with existing or emerging regulations, available versus needed resources for implementation, external environmental/business risks, stated values versus actual culture, et cetera).
Propose interventions to close gaps (education, team building, et cetera) in the leadership plan to implement the new initiative.
Explain the relevance of succession planning and talent development. Provide resources for ongoing healthcare executive competency development.