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How the building works socially or fails to work. Consider the stated use of the building and how people might interpret or extend that use
One solid page (250 words) explaining how the building (Faena Forum) works socially or fails to work. Consider the stated use of the building and how people might interpret or extend that use. The building is the Faena Forum Miami.

This part it’s just to have an idea of what I’m doing and maybe help to write what I need.

  1. Aerial view with ground floor plan inserted, showing paths of entry and views along the path with photos keyed in plan
  2. 3 scenarios with people drawn in plan and section, with social dimensions noted. Please note where people can see each other and whether they can hear each other or not.
  3. Framed views showing the person viewing and the person seen in plan and section, and the view as a sketch or a photo with a person added.
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