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How can autoethnographic writing adhere to an academically oriented framework?
When presenting autoethnographic writing within an academic arena, one way to develop validity may involve
adherence to guidelines developed with rigor in mind. These guidelines may be created by the researcher or
adopted from the work of other scholars.
To prepare:
Review the article by Hughes, Pennington, and Makris (2012) and Jensen-Hart and Williams (2010).
Submit a 2 page paper in which you write a autoethnographic piece. Consider the perspective of the piece of
writing in terms of an academic perspective.
Generate a personal piece of writing within an academic framework.
Select either the Hughes, Pennington, and Makris (2012) or Jensen-Hart and Williams (2010) piece to use as
a basis for a methodological framework for your writing.
Tell a story that is based on your experiences and is constructed through an analytical lens. Your analysis
should also be informed by at least three additional sources from the Learning Resources for any of the
previous weeks of this course.

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