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M. L., a 17-year-old male, was involved in a motor vehicle crash. He was wearing a seat belt but was traveling at a high speed when he lost control of the car and crashed into a tree. He was initially awake at the scene, but his level of consciousness quickly declined during transport to the trauma center by emergency medical services (EMS). His 4-year-old brother Jason was in the back seat restrained but is unconscious and has a distended abdomen, ashen in color and extremities are cold.

The prehospital team was unable to intubate M. L. and is being transport to ER, and the patient’s airway was being maintained with bag-valve-mask ventilation using a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 1.00 (100%). Jason was intubated being ventilated with an oxygen saturation of 95 %.
Two large-bore intravenous catheters were placed, and normal saline was infused at 250 mL/hr. Three liters of fluid were administered before arrival in the emergency department. M. L. does not have a significant medical history or any drug allergies
The EMTs were unable to start an infusion on Jason. Estimate time of arrival is 3 minutes to ER.
Clear explanation of key issues. Valid arguments; analysis of issues with relevant supportive detail. Appropriate
analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the issues identified. Conclusions and recommendations are congruent with
strategic analysis. Proper organization, professional writing, logical flow of analysis. Provide one supporting
evidence-based document to support your position. (Full text – no abstracts) (5-year limit) APA formating.


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