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Graded and action potentials

    Compare graded and action potentials. Discuss the role of Na+ and K+ channels in generating an action potential.

Gene Mutations

    1. Explain why mutations are almost always harmful to the cell/organism. 2. Why might a deletion of 12 base pairs from a gene be less harmful than the insertion of 1 base pair in the same gene? Your answer must include: a. Use of the appropriate...

Phase of mitosis

        Please watch the following video showing a round of mitosis: This video was recorded using an optical microscope camera, and then overlaid with an animation graphic to help identifying cell components and their function. In this week’s...

Isolating bacteria

        . You are given a mixed broth culture of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. You are instructed to isolate and purify each bacterial species. How are you going to do it? Your goal is to have a plate of pure S. aureus with isolated...
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