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Video analysis

      After having read the materials, watched the videos, and completed assignments 1-3, think of a theme. What do you “see” in the time period examined? (These first chapters) What is the trend? What are you intrigued by in the history...

Arabian Nights

    In the world of the Nights, there are good, pious demons, and bad, impious demons, but all demons seem to obey certain rules or laws. Explain exactly what kinds of laws/rules demons do seem to obey. Do you have any idea why this is so? Support your...

A summary of the movie ‘The Mission’ (1986)

  Link (The Mission): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cs6Dd6bQVE Write a 3 page (double spaced/times new roman) summary of the movie ‘The Mission’ by developing the following subjects: 1. Plot and Setting (place, time, social, political, religious...

The Clash of Civilizations

    Watch the following videos for each discussion and for each video write a ten-point executive summary. The executive summary for each discussion should include the main points of multimedia/video in ten bullet-points. Each bullet-point in the executive...

Ant colonies and bee hives; specialization and collaboration.

      Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to...

Half-King during French and Indian War

        Who was the Half-King? What role did he play in initiating the French and Indian War? What motivated him to act as he did? How did the Half-King’s actions affect George Washington’s diplomatic mission?...
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