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The concept of genres and classifications of cinema

Using the concept of genres and classifications of cinema and the standard elements of cinema, consider the winners of the most recent Oscars in all of its categories and attack or defend the following.“The Oscars show clear favoritism and a commercial bias when it...

MOONLIGHT – Film Analysis

W​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​rite at least 3 paragraphs (500 words) analyzing Moonlight (Barry Jenkins), addressing PLOT, FORM, and CULTURE. PLOT: The classic Hollywood plot opens with an equilibrium, then there is disruption of that equilibrium, and at the end of the film...

Police Deviance Movie/TV Review

Is an 800–1200 word (more if you deem it necessary) analysis of any self-selected movie or TV show in which police deviance is the primary topic of analysis. If you choose a TV show, you must watch at least three episodes of the same show. Your analysis should examine...

Police Deviance Movie/TV Review

Is an 800–1200 word (more if you deem it necessary) analysis of any self-selected movie or TV show in which police deviance is the primary topic of analysis. If you choose a TV show, you must watch at least three episodes of the same show. Your analysis should examine...

“Rapper’s Delight” and the film Wild Style

Question 1: How did “Rapper’s Delight” and the film Wild Style influence Seattle’s early hip hop scene? Question 2: Dr. Abe talks about the diversity of Seattle hip-hop in the early 2000s. How did the scene span across different social...

Film: Transformation (Humanities)

Step One: Watch both of these videos: Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle: Crash Course Theater andA Character Has 4 Pivotal Moments To Change Step Two: Write a four-paragraph essay about one movie–preferably your favorite–that you watchedin which you learned...
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