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How an ISM relate to history

How does an ISM relate to history and how does the art produced demonstrate the changes in culture through aesthetics? CHOOSE ONE ISM IN THE MODERN TO CONTEMPORARY TIMELINE TO WRITE ABOUT AND ONE ARTIST OF THAT ISM COVERED IN CLASS of the ISM through their...

Mexico’s liberal legislation

What were some examples of Mexico’s liberal legislation during this period? How and why did racial labels change during this time? How did Mexicans become Foreigners in their Native Land? What is Manifest Destiny and what is the significance of the Texas Independence...

The rise of professional schools in the early 19th century

Evaluate the rise of professional schools in the early 19th century of the United States. How did the rise of professional schools have an impact on the educational system of the time? What evidence do you see that it continues to have an impact on our systems of...

Being more historically informed

Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important for a citizenry to have to address current global challenges?Think about a challenge, opportunity, event,...
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