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Movie Analysis

• The film must deal with issues of race • Watch the movie or documentary twice and take notes of both major and minor events and characters. It’s a mistake to rely on the power of your memory only, there’s always something we overlook or forget • Carry out a thorough...


Consider Dr. Jack Shaheen’s thesis that people from the MIdeast are the most maligned in Hollywood. Chose an example of a film with Arab characters in it that was produced after this film (2006) or was omitted in the making of this film. Does this example...

Amadeus Movie Activity

Watch the film ‘Amadeus”. Three copies are available in the PCC Music Lab for viewing at the listening stations (and multiple online streaming platforms carry it for rent or subscription). After watching Amadeus, visit the Oxford Music Online (available...

The movie: Life as a House

After watching Life as a House, discuss why you think the movie creates an impact on the viewer and what you thought of it as an ensemble film (a group of actors working together who aren’t separated by the lead and character actors, meaning they all played a...

The competitive environment of Disney

How is the competitive environment of Disney changing?What is Disney’s overall strategy for adapting to its current environment? How has Covid19 impacted Disney?Whatever Disney’s overall strategy is, what do you think Disney’s strategy ought to be?...

The Speeding Bus

In a famous movie, Speed, a speeding bus jumps an unfinished bridge. Is this possible?Please do not allow the passenger to die horribly! Construct a model with the following specifications-make sure view | numbers and units are set correctly:English (pounds) | More...
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