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Positive correlation between ice cream consumption

A study once found that, for any given year, there was a positive correlation between ice cream consumption and the crime rate (during the summer months). If ice cream consumption was high for a given year, the crime rate was also high; if consumption was low, the...

Yum’s China fiasco shows danger of food scandals

CNN Wire Byline: Charles Riley HONG KONG (CNNMoney) — Yum Brands is still feeling the pain of its latest food scandal in China, more than six months after the company was found to be selling tainted meat at KFC locations. Yum immediately cut ties with its...

Yum’s China fiasco shows danger of food scandals

CNN Wire Byline: Charles Riley HONG KONG (CNNMoney) — Yum Brands is still feeling the pain of its latest food scandal in China, more than six months after the company was found to be selling tainted meat at KFC locations. Yum immediately cut ties with its...

Human Nutrition

Chapters 4-6 cover proteins, fat, and carbohydrates. Many health issues can occur from dietary issues within each group. Let’s see what your risk for heart disease is. Click on Mayo Clinic – Heart Disease Risk Calculator (Links to an external site.) (Links...
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