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The ten commandments of computer ethics

  Read the http://computerethicsinstitute.org/publications/tencommandments.html from the Computer Ethics Institute and view this student-created video, which gives examples of violations of computer ethics. Find an article in the news from the last three months...


    Instructional Video: https://youtu.be/96yWAvo0pL4 If you are experiencing Sound issues, follow these instructions : Lab 8 Video Information: Some students are having issues with the sound for parts of the instructional video (https://youtu.be/96yWAvo0pL4...


    Hypothetical? John uses a small camcorder and secretly uploads a movie shown at his local theater. He then uploads the movie to a website and sends out the link to his friends and family. Which federal laws has John violated? What are the potential...

Assessing the operating system requirements for virtualization

    In this scenario, you are a security engineer for a company where 50% of the servers are virtualized, 25% are physical servers acting as hypervisors, and 25% of the servers are stand-alone physical machines. Write one paragraph showing in-depth technical...

Remote and Wireless Computing Security

    Remote site computing requires specific attention to security, including a secure extension of an organization’s internal network. Mobile computing devices such as laptops, PDAs, and other handhelds increase an organization’s security needs. Write a 2-...

Computer science

      Please select a topic from the below list and create a one-page essay answering the question noted below. Please use at least one reference and ensure it’s in APA format (as well as the in-text citation). Also, ensure to NOT COPY DIRECTLY from any...
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