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Video Analysis

InstructionsYouTube Videos: https://youtu.be/-gEZhkX2PQ0https://youtu.be/7k1ozpwiQIMhttps://youtu.be/oOFk7YEAh2ghttps://youtu.be/i5Sl_Fu47jshttps://youtu.be/57EW8AElyVUhttps://youtu.be/akOe5-UsQ2o How does learning about the Harlem Renaissance help us to analyze the...


Here is the video (copy and paste into your browser):https://uhdmediasite.uhd.edu/Mediasite/Play/aa5994862511414b8212f65deecdbec01d 1) What are your overall impressions?2) Describe what is meant by ERP systems.3) Describe how the video relates to specific topics in...

Video presentation

prepare a video presentation with a PowerPoint file.You have read about employee development in the organizational setting. As part of your training, you are required to give a PowerPoint presentation to departmental managers throughout the organization, keeping the...

Video Analysis

Everything is explained in the pdf and i included tutorials link https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/1339ea54-b477-4b6e-80be-78539b72e3bd https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/34a058e9-7169-4f4b-b112-4b26b7e4d5a2

Video Analysis

Watch the video and see the file and then figure out the answers What did you find particularly exciting, interesting, or challenging about the assigned contet? Please make sure to cite both of the lectures in response to this question.Historians always include a main...

Video Analysis

Identify the main theme of the video (Provide a short summary of the video in one to two sentences.)What topics/points stood out to you? (What specific topics piqued your interest?)Did the topics change your way of thinking? Did it challenge your way of thinking about...
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