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Lliterary work

  1. Which literary work that you read in class this semester would you want your political leaders to read and why? What lessons would you like them to draw from that text? Would you want them to read Franz Kafka to understand the “Kafkaesque”...

Seasonal meat

  Write a 1 page paper that describes your thoughts after the field trip to Hanna Family Ranch. What impact does the season have on what is being grown and/or produced on the farm? Discuss if you think meat is a seasonal product. What makes the products made from...


    Find me an English MEMOIR that is written in the 20th or the 21st century. by an ARAB FEMALE writer. for example A mountains Journey: An Autobiography by Fadwa Tuqan then chose a topic for a research paper on that memoir + add a unique unexhausted...

A Doll’s House Act Three

      In what way does “A Doll House” make use of dramatic or situational irony? By the end of the play, what statements in earlier acts might seem like instances of yerbal irony?  

Book review

Book: The Skin We’re in by Desmond Cole Instructions & Important questions Intro What is the purpose of the book? Explain the significance of the book’s subject matter at this time. What is the author trying to accomplish? How is the book relevant to issues...

Twelfth night

    How do issues of gender identity and alternative sexualities register differently in your reading of Twelfth Night than in your viewing of the Globe production described by James Bulman in “Bearding the Queen: Male CrossDressing at the New Globe”...
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