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Cultures vary greatly on the appropriate ways to greet another individual. Take a look at the links below and relate them ALL to what the text says about the Synchrony of Nonverbal Communication Codes.
New Zealand https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vivoId=5994e50a3cec4dc0983000313ee38b21
India https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vivoId=e4e0f3137bad442da23106681d3c8f87
Greece https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vivoId=fc24b38803e54007949e7e4a25f9d8f3
Japan https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vivoId=21b280371e8f4e21867a45778dd34d12
Philippines https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vpvid=3193d9e0-3c5a-425d-b420-e727d309bced
2.Interesting Fact & Idea

Did you know that in Mexico it is considered a challenge when you put your hands on your hips? That in France, when you kiss someone’s cheeks, you should start on the right side? That in Britain and Thailand people point with their heads? That in Poland is acceptable for a stranger to join you at your restaurant table for dinner? That winking has no meaning in Japan? Or that yawning is considered rude in Argentina? Did you know that in Hong Kong it is rude to beckon to people with your finger? That in Korea it is rude to speak with your hands in your pockets? That in Spain you can clap by snapping your fingers? Or that in Brazil you can express doubt by pulling down your right eyelid? Why are there such cultural differences in nonverbals around the world?

3. The Globe

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