In adults diagnosed with depression, how does music therapy as a treatment adjuvant compared with current practice influence depression scores over a 6 week period?
Experiential Engagement Objectives and Method of Evaluation
– develop at least 4 SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-oriented) objectives for your clinical experiences this semester.
You will evaluate your objectives at the end of the semester.
the objectives cannot be the assignments within this course.
Rather, they should be related to you applying the DNP Essentials and growing as a DNP-prepared nurse.
Note: your objectives cannot be to complete course assignments.
Time Plan
Experiential Engagement Time Plan
– this is a rough draft of what you plan to do this semester. (i.e. spend 10 hours shadowing in a preoperative evaluation clinic; 10 hours attending a preoperative medicine conference).
Allocate each event to at least one
DNP Essential and your hours should encompass all 8 DNP Essentials.
Attempt to spread your hours across all 8 Essentials as evenly as possible.