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Compose a response answering these questions:
Is there a “feeling” associated with one’s sex? In other words, what does it feel like to be male or female?
Describe the feelings associated with being either sex, not the behavior expectations that characterize the sexes.
Do you believe that it is possible for someone to be born in the wrong body? If not, why?
If so, what would you do if your child believed that he or she was born the wrong sex and wanted to “correct” the problem?
How do you feel about former President Obama recommending all K-12 schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms that are associated with their gender identity?
How do you feel about the possibility of restricting transgender individuals from serving in the military?
Should transgender individuals be allowed to compete in professional sports? Why, or why not?
How would a symbolic interactionist explain transgenderism?
To what extent does the mass media influence gender socialization?

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