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Choose one of the following TED TALKS. You will be reviewing these and posting what you gained from the
program as well as your analysis of the information. These are short TED talks and although they were
designed for a younger audience, I hope you enjoy the videos and the visuals and color are helpful in the
reinforcing the basics. There are some questions associated with the TED TALK that you may find beneficial.
TED 1: https://youtu.be/Ssr2UDB9EWQ
TED 2: https://youtu.be/L9ymkJK2QCU
TED 3: https://ed.ted.com/best_of_web/uZoCUkl3
TED 4: https://blog.ed.ted.com/2018/03/10/top-5-most-popular-health-ted-ed-lessons/





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