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Examine the structure of health care systems in different countries, focusing on financing,
reimbursement, delivery systems, manufacturers, and the adoption of new technologies.

Outline the roles of private and public sector insurance and providers, and the effect of system design on cost, quality, efficiency,
and equity of medical services. How do these different systems deal with decisions about investment and
adoption of new technologies? How do service providers and manufacturers evaluate opportunities for growth
and expansion in new geographies and markets? Regions and countries discussed will include the US, UK,
Western Europe, Russia and the Baltics, the Middle East, and Asia (Sri Lanka and India).
Explore entrepreneurial and other private sector solutions for health services and access to medicines and
technologies in the developing world and other underserved areas. We also study creative programs to engage
the private sector in development of vaccines and medicines for tropical diseases and therapeutic strategies for
the rapidly growing burden of chronic, non- communicable diseases in the developing world.




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