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1.Present two (2) concerns, using evidence-based content, regarding the use of HEALTH FAIRS as a means of
health promotion education for the public.
2. Provide your original definitions (from Week 1) of health and health promotion ONLY; then, present revised
one sentence definitions to reflect your growth and learning achieved during this course. (week 1 definitions –
Health – is the absence of illness and diseases, and the state of emotional, physical, mental and social wellbeing.
· Health promotion – Is motivating and provoking people to take control over their health in order to improve it.)
3.Discuss how you will change your personal nursing practice in relation to health promotion education through
integration of what you have learned related to: a) complementary and alternative therapies, b) cultural
competency, c) age, and d) social media for health promotion education.
-Were there any concerns Identified related to recommending the Wim Hofs method in your professional
nursing role? Were they any concerns identified related to recommending the Wim Hofs method to family and
-Provide additional evidence that suggests the Wim Hofs method is/is not appropriate for purposes of health

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