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Historical awareness informs various aspects of our lives. We live in a time of rapid change, and we often think more about the future than the past. However,
studying history can help us better understand our own lives in the context of the places we live and society in general. In America, specifically, the government is
informed by its citizens. If the ideals of society shift, that shift will eventually move throughout the different levels of government, effecting widespread change.
For the projects in this course, you will select a historical event that has impacted American society in some way. You may select an event that was discussed in
the course, or you may select your own event, with instructor approval. You may consider using the event you chose to work on in your Perspectives in History
class, if that event is something you wish to investigate further through this assessment.
In Project 1, you will develop a plan for an essay on this historical event. The plan will include a brief description of the selected historical event and the resources
you will use in your research. In addition, you will identify an audience for your essay and decide how to communicate your information to this audience. In
Project 2, you will write an essay analyzing the historical event you selected, examining its impact on society as well as its impact on you personally.
Project 2 addresses the following course outcomes:
 Illustrate the impact of historical thinking on personal and professional experiences
 Select appropriate and relevant primary and secondary sources in investigating foundational historic events
 Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human history
 Utilize historical evidence in drawing conclusions about the impact of historic events on American society
 Apply key approaches to studying history in addressing critical questions related to historical narratives and perspectives

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