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In addition to the reading assignments for this module, conduct research on the topics listed below. You must use at least two relevant, scholarly sources in addition to your textbook. Begin your research at the Franklin University Library (Links to an external site.).
Kingdon’s Three Streams
The Window of Opportunity
Conduct research regarding a health policy issue. It is recommended that you visit the following websites to begin your research. Alternatively, you may locate other sources from which to identify a health policy issue:
CDC Winnable Battles (Links to an external site.)
Kaiser Family Foundation (Links to an external site.)
Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the items (listed below) related to the issue that you chose. Write your paper in terms of the three streams and the window of opportunity.
Discuss the specifics of the problem.
Discuss the possible solutions.
Describe the current political circumstances.
Forecast potential strategies and actions that you would take to move the issue into the policy formulation phase; in other words, what would it take to get this issue on the right “table” in front of the right people to begin formulating a policy?

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