Nurses are vital when it comes to healthcare policy. We are to advocate for our patients and our profession daily. Over the years many investigations have been pursued over the years, and technology has evolved (Kostas-Polston, Thanavaro, Arvidson, Taub, 2015). For example, those with a graduate-level education, such as advanced practice nurses, need policy competence as it helps with techniques and standpoints in dealing with legislative constitutions (Kostas-Polston, Thanavaro, Arvidson, Taub, 2015).
For this module, a review of several websites from Patton, Zalon, & Ludwick (2018) were visited and reviewed. One of the websites that were easy to navigate was the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Washington Weekly. I like organizing the website, and it had links to specific topics. When the site was opened, there was a link about policy and advocacy, and it brought me to agendas, how to take action, and Washington weekly. The Department of Health and Human Services is an easy website to maneuver. It is organized, has fewer words, and is less chaotic. I like how they have there about the part where I could read what they are and who they are, what programs and services they do, grants and contracts, and laws and regulations. The National Institutes of Health is another website that I found easy to navigate. I like that it is easy to organize and includes research and knowledge about funding these researches. Finally, I found the area where social media is accessible because, reality-wise, we live in a world of social media. Following those will give us notifications of whatever new research or grants they are conducting and having.
The site where I have gained more knowledge about policy issues would be the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. It is directly on their website. So, therefore, it was easy to follow through. The federal policy link, and most significantly, how to take action in participating in policy, is such a great guide/tool (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d.). Honestly, we have not been heavily involved in these things; we don’t know how to do it ( I also like that they have a dean, and faculty resources are critical in academia so that students can start being involved in policy and learn how to take action (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d.). The Kaiser Family Family Foundation is another website where I have learned so much. Their link to global health policy. They also have Racial Equity and Health Policy which is vital in our country as minorities are growing, and we need to address their concerns and be culturally competent (Kaiser Family Family Foundation, n.d.).