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Here are more dietary trends. Some of these are directly involve protein intake directly, some only partially address protein. Choose one of the following to expand on. Indicate the reasons one might choose to adopt the dietary pattern you chose and what the preferred benefits are if any. Do you believe that the claims are accurate? Why or why not? Could some of these choices be beneficial for some people but not for others? What are the risks, if any?

  • Supplemental protein shakes, of which there are many varieties (Bodybuilders will be familiar with this one).
    -Vegan diets (address protein quality plus other issues associated with vegan diets). Compare to vegetarian if appropriate.
    -Juice and other types of liquid-only “cleanses”
    -Does a high protein diet have any benefit, or can it be risky?
    -This last one usually refers to balanced macronutrient intake, but it is a popular topic: Intermittent Fasting, yes or no?
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