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Write research papers that include areas of health insurance, actuarial science, statistics, economics, mathematics, and covid-19. It should use actuarial, statistical, and mathematical knowledge to explain how covid19 affects health insurance (or economics but not necessary) in the US, and it should focus on statistics and mathematics aspects. Before writing, try to answer the following questions: What particular problems are you working on? Why are these questions interesting? What do you expect for the conclusion of the research? Research papers must contain quantitative data (at least 3 pages), both mathematical models and statistical models (at least 1), a number of actuarial/mathematical/statistical formulas (mathematical formulas mean upper college-level formulas rather than basic mathematical formulas) in the research to illustrate the problem. They can be cited but must explain specifically, how and why these formulas/data/models are useful for this research. Based on the resources, try to answer the question you initially post.

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