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What are the social media constraints that employers now are putting in place to deal with organizational issues once you are employed? Policing/Corrections/Probation/Etc.
After researching this and locating the information write a response that allows you to form an opinion on if you were surprised by anything you located. Will this change your own use of social media? Yes or No?
For this assignment you will need to locate the necessary article and link, be sure to cover all the areas below ( AGAIN YOU CAN FIND YOUR OWN ARTICLE OR VIDEO)

  1. Two Negative Factors, as told through an actual story
  2. Two Positive Factors
  3. What social media constraints are being put in place by organizations today?
  4. Opinion, will this change your own use of social media? Yes or No
  5. What material on social media could cost somebody to lose consideration for employment?
  6. Be sure to properly list the source of the article and include the link
    Your answers should describe complete thought and be articulate to demonstrate fluidity between the material read, the videos watched and reason why you answered the way you did.
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