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Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcsdt468C_0

1. Why is Cairo’s grandfather NOT worried about his smoking?


2. Milana’s mother says she knows that smoking is bad for him, so why does she allow him to smoke anyway?


3. How are young children obtaining cigarettes in Indonesia? How is this possible?


4. What evidence does ABC have that Marlboro is specially targeting young people in Indonesia?


5. What are three reasons the Health Minster gives for not addressing the issue of smoking in Indonesia?


6. What are divine cigarettes and how are they used?



7. Why is the reporter doubtful that Aldi will stay off cigarettes for good?


8. Explain how your image of cigarettes is the same and or different from the Indonesians. Make sure you recognize and expose the similarities and differences in culture and values you have been socialized with compared to the Indonesians.






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