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The Persistence of Memory

You are to write about some of the major art movements that also happened to coincide with the World Wars; you can focus on the years before, during, and after World War I, World War II, or both as a comparison. What art movements would you focus on and why? How are...

The Persistence of Memory

You are to write about some of the major art movements that also happened to coincide with the World Wars; you can focus on the years before, during, and after World War I, World War II, or both as a comparison. What art movements would you focus on and why? How are...

The Persistence of Memory

You are to write about some of the major art movements that also happened to coincide with the World Wars; you can focus on the years before, during, and after World War I, World War II, or both as a comparison. What art movements would you focus on and why? How are...
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