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These is an observational piece aimed to provoke conversations around the topic. Think of these as well-researched and academically infused fire starters. You do not have to draw a conclusion for this.

The definition of masculinity is rapidly changing but have advertisers done a good job to keep up? https://youtu.be/koPmuEyP3a0 Gillette started the conversation by asking is this really “the best a man can get”? But were they shamelessly capitalizing on the #MeToo movement to increase revenue dollars? https://theconversation.com/razor-burned-why-gillettes-campaign-against-toxic-masculinity-missed-the-mark-109932 In a broader framework, is it fair to illuminate modern masculinity without bringing up the reasons for its existence https://theconversation.com/gillette-has-it-right-advertisers-cant-just-celebrate-masculinity-and-ignore-the-metoo-movement-110034. Regardless of where you stand on the definition of toxic masculinity and its relevance in today’s socio-economic-cultural environment. Should advertisers take sides in these conversations https://wfanet.org/knowledge/item/2018/05/16/WFA-launches-Guide-to-Progressive-Gender-Portrayals-in-Advertising

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