Explore the Huffington Post; Mindfulness Research website. Find an article that captures your interest and addresses a need you have in your life about the benefits of mindfulness. Actually read the research/journal article which is embedded in the short overview version. Cite the name of the article and the author and then answer the following questions, a paragraph each:
The name of the article you chose and who is the author?
The main purpose of this article, or chapter is:
The most important information in this article, or chapter is:
The main inferences/conclusion of this article, or chapter is:
The key concepts we need to understand in this article, or chapter are:
The main point(s) of view presented in this article is (are):
My thoughts and feedback
Google search “mindfulness articles” and explore all the different topics, applications and findings. Find an article that speaks to you, that you think is most interesting and informative. Now answer:
What is the name of the article you read and why?
The main purpose of this article is:
The most important information in this article is:
The main inferences/conclusion of this article is:
The key concepts we need to understand in this article is:
The main point(s) of view presented in this article is:
My thoughts and feedback