Write a weekly memo (‘Example Weekly Memo’ file is attached. It includes directions and a sample)
The sources needed will either be attached to this order or the link will be included below the name. If those links don’t work, they are also available as hyperlinks in the syllabus (attached)
There is no length requirement, but you should make it clear that you have read and thought about the texts
To count as a weekly memo, your writing must:
- Reference all assigned readings/films for both Monday and Wednesday lectures
- Summarize important concepts from the readings/films
- Use evidence from the readings/films and includes specific citations (ex. page numbers)
- Include original analysis and personal reflection
Optional: you may include questions about the readings/films, content from lectures,
content from materials outside of class (ex. news articles), or criticisms of the readings/films
Weekly Paper #9: Lectures 11/15 and 11/17
Nov 15: Change Everything? & Nov 17: Climate and Consumption
- Read: Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything (the Introduction, all of Part 1, Chapters 10 and 13, and the Conclusion)
(attached) - Read: Mary Heglar, “I Work in the Environmental Movement and Don’t Care If You Recycle”: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/5/28/***/climate-change-2019-green-new-deal