Whilst most people can see a potential connection between poetry and advertising, they become skeptical when faced with the notion that reading poems and experiencing the process of getting to grips with their possible meaning can help in business. The suggestion that poetry can help with strategic thinking, with creativity and innovation, in decision-making, in communications, in the way we look at situations, the way we think, the way we interact with others or the way we express our opinions leaves many people struggling. (Pritchett, 2014, p. 54)
In this first discussion on writing, you will learn about genre and medium. In the realm of literary devices, there are so many ways to convey messages and meaning. Each provides an opportunity for “just the right form of expression” when needed. By becoming familiar with the various types of genres and medium in practical ways, you will be able to more finely hone your craft of writing. For example, have you ever given thought to the concept that poetry could help articulate issues in business or aid creative thinking in the workplace? In this first lesson, you will discuss genre and medium as well as craft a freestyle poem.
The habit of compulsive, premature editing doesn’t just make writing hard. It also makes writing dead. Your voice is damped out by all the interruptions, changes, and hesitations between the consciousness and the page. In your natural way of producing words there is a sound, a texture, a rhythm—a voice—which is the main source of power in your writing, I don’t know how it works, but this voice is the force that will make a reader listen to you. Maybe you don’t like your voice; maybe people have made fun of it. But it’s the only voice you’ve got. (Runyan, 2015, p. 15)
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the craft of freestyle poetry writing as a means to delve deeper into business issues and without the inhibiting inclination to prematurely edit. Once you have experienced freestyle poetry writing, you may find the practice highly beneficial and quite practical whenever encountering writer’s block as you compose your ADP consulting report.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
Integrate the Virtuous Business model into their reading, research, writing, and reporting