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The student will prepare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audience (professor and classmates). The presentation should be designed for first responders. The student will provide an overview of emergency management. The student will...


Provide an explanation (not just a quick definition) of each of the following key vocabulary terms associated with your reading assignments.Gaining an understanding of international terrorism requires a basic knowledge of a number of concepts that are generally unique...

Domestic Terrorism

Select a domestic terror group that has been active in recent years and describe it. If you have difficulty selecting an appropriate group, consider environmental groups, animal rights groups, ethnic hate groups, or anti-abortion groups. Your discussion of the...

The phases of disaster

Throughout the course, you will be exploring the phases of disaster in a variety of contexts. Following the format provided in Chapter 4 of Women and Disasters, you will write an 8-12 page research paper on a disaster of your choice outlining the nine disaster phases...

Set Capability Targets

Identify the Threats and Hazards of Concern. Based on past experience, forecasting, expert judgment, and available resources, identify a list of the threats and hazards of concern to the community.Give Threats and Hazards Context. Using the list of threats and...
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